Having your teen take a driver education course is one of the best ways to keep rates low and get cheap car insurance for teens. Most car insurance companies give discounts to teens who have taken driver's ed classes. Taking a driver's ed class will also help your teen be safer on the road. Most high schools in the United States offer driver education classes, and private companies can also give them.
Most driver's education classes include classroom instruction, driving practise, and tips on how to keep your car in good shape.
Teaching in the classroom. Classroom instruction is part of driver education courses. Even though most teens can't wait to get behind the wheel, they need to start learning about street signs, traffic lights, and basic rules of the road in the classroom.
Learn how to drive. During driving practise, teens will not only get to drive with an experienced driver and get feedback, but they will also get to see how their peers drive. So, the students will learn from the mistakes and successes of their peers.
How to fix things. Some driver's education classes teach teens how to fix and fix up their cars. For example, your teen may learn how to change a flat tyre in a driver's ed class. This is an emergency that can happen to any driver, no matter how old they are.
Experience. Even though a driver education course won't make your teen as good at driving as you are, it will give your teen experience that he or she didn't have before. Having your teen drive with a driving instructor will give him or her a "heads up" when it comes time to take the test for a driver's licence.
When your teen is ready to take the driver's licence test and buy car insurance on his or her own or be added to your policy, you can help keep the rates low by making sure he or she has taken a driver education course.