I had reached a point where my credit card was getting close to its limit and the monthly fees were making it hard for me to pay my bills. I wasn't getting anywhere fast because the fees I had to pay each month and the amount I had to pay off were too much. I got an idea from, of all places, the Oprah Winfrey Show. I was so impressed by a strategy that showed people how to ask their credit card companies for a better deal that I decided to try it myself.
I used my credit card for both personal and business expenses. Sometimes I used it to pay for travel and other business-related costs. I tried to save money in every way I could. Finding someone to help you with that is hard. The Oprah Winfrey Show recently caught my attention because I am always looking for new ideas and tips about money. They talked about what Americans could do to get their credit card companies to lower their rates. They even let you use a script, so I downloaded it.
Why couldn't Australians use this method if Americans could? I went to cbdeluxe, which is my favourite ebook store, and there was also a lot of information there. Then I called the number they gave me and asked the question. They wrote back that they were glad I had asked and that they would lower my rate. This was a great outcome, and I was glad it was so easy to get there.
After that, I told my partner to call his card company, tell them what a good customer he's been, and ask for a rate review on his card's rolling balance. At first, they said no, but we asked to talk to the boss.
They replied that they would lower the rate for the life of the debt if we moved the amount on my card balance to their card. We were shocked...you should really try this out.