Capital One has a credit card for everyone, no matter how good or bad their credit is. Want cash back but your credit isn't great? Capital One has cash-back cards that you can get. Want to get a prize for always paying your bills on time? Capital One gives extra benefits to people who have good credit. You're sure to find a Capital One credit card that fits your credit score and style, from personalised cards to "no hassle" rewards.
A Credit Card for you
Capital One has credit cards for people with good credit, above-average credit, and credit that needs work. If your credit is better than average and you want cash back, you might want to look into Capital One's No Hassle Cash Rewards Card. When you use this credit card, you'll get 1% cash back on everything you buy. It doesn't cost you anything every year, and you won't pay any interest on anything you buy until June 2008.
Even if you need to work on your credit, you may still be able to get a similar credit card. The same programme can be used with the Capital One No Hassle Cash Rewards card. You'll get 1% cash back on everything you buy. It costs $29 a year because it is made for people with bad credit. The interest rate on purchases made with this card is 0% until March 2008.
A lot of Capital One credit cards work in the same way. You can choose the benefits you want, like cash back, miles, or a low interest rate. Then compare these advantages to your credit score. You'll leave with a credit card that fits your needs perfectly.
How to figure out your credit score
Capital One has many cards for people with different levels of credit, so it's important to know how your credit score is calculated. The most important thing is how you've paid your bills in the past, which makes up 35% of your total score. Over time, your credit score will go up a lot if you pay at least the minimum due on your credit card. They also look at how long you've had credit and what kinds of loans you have.
The Benefits of "No Hassle"
Capital One is one of the many credit card companies that offer reward programmes. But Capital One works to simplify the process so that it's easier for customers to figure out how much they've earned. For example, some credit card companies have a programme with several levels of cash back. Customers may earn less than 1 percent on the first $1500 they spend, then a higher percentage on the next $1500, and then a different rate after that. Sound strange? It might be. Capital One has a straight percentage rate for cash back and rewards to make the process easier. This tells you exactly what you're getting for every dollar you spend.
You can find a similar "no hassle" feature on a credit card that gives you miles as a reward. For every dollar you spend, Capital One gives you 1.25 miles. So, as soon as you swipe your card, you can figure out how many miles you just got. Compared to many other travel reward programmes, this one is easy to use.
Capital One has different credit cards to meet your needs. It has features that make it easy to figure out your cash back and travel miles. A Capital One credit card could be your ticket to rewards that don't give you any trouble.