With payday loans, getting cash when you need it is much easier than it used to be. You don't have to wait for an answer like you do with a regular loan. You can get the cash you need right away. This is just one of many reasons why payday loans might be just what you need if you need cash quickly.
On many payday loan websites, you only need a few minutes, or at most ten, to finish your application. In some cases, especially if you have had a payday loan before, your application for a new loan could be much less than that. That fast, you can't even make a pie.
Most of the time, the most cash you can get is around $1,500. Many payday loan places, though, will only lend up to $1,000. Still, if it's your first time getting a payday loan, you probably won't be able to borrow more than $400. Your limit will go up every time you borrow more money, as long as you pay on time and in full. You might have to ask a few times, though, before you can borrow the full $1,500.
One thing you won't have to worry about is how well your credit score is doing. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. In fact, no one will even check it. You won't have to put anything up as security either.
They will want to see that you have been working at the same place for a while, though. Some people will want at least two months, while others will want six. Also, they will demand that you make at least $1,000 a month. This is the minimum, though, and most people will want you to make at least $1,500 a month.
When you need a payday loan, you can get around this by going to a website where more than one lender works. This means that your application could go to more than one lender, and if one lender doesn't like something in it, most likely another lender will.
You'll also need to have a bank account. They want to make sure your account is real, so they want to put the money in it right away. Some lenders will also want to see that you've had the account for a while.
Lastly, in order to get your quick cash from a payday loan, you will need to give them permission to either take the money right out of your checking account or at least write a check for the full amount with a date in the future. All of this only takes a few minutes. What could be more convenient than that? Even better, you can apply from home on your computer and get your money in less than an hour.