With the credit card market growing as big as it is now, it is no surprise that credit card companies are trying to get people to buy their cards by giving them extra benefits. There are many different kinds of these programmes, and they offer a wide range of goods and services.
The cash back programme is one of the most popular perks that many credit card companies offer. In this programme, the credit card holder gets a credit on their account for a certain amount of the total purchases they made with their card. In some cases, the money is put on the account at the end of the year. In other cases, the amount is added to the account after each purchase is cleared.
The air miles rewards programme is probably the second most popular way to get people to do something. These programmes are run in partnership with the major airlines and let credit card holders earn points that can then be used to buy airline tickets. Most of the time, there are restrictions on when these airline tickets can be redeemed. However, the most popular air miles programmes have taken away all restrictions of this kind.
Product discount programmes are another popular way for credit card companies to get people to use their cards. In this case, the credit card company will partner with a manufacturer and give credit card users a way to save money when they buy things from that particular company. The GM Visa card is a good example of this programme. With this credit card, a certain percentage of each purchase goes toward the purchase of a new GM car. The amount of money you can save through these programmes may have a cap on how much you can save.
A lot of the time, credit card incentive programmes are a great perk for the person using the credit card. The most important thing is to make sure that the incentive is useful to the main card holder and that the credit is used in a responsible way.