Choosing a car insurance company is not like buying a sandwich or a new pair of shoes. Car insurance is a big responsibility, a big cost, and could have a big impact on your life. If you choose the wrong insurance company or benefits package, you could pay a lot more than you need to or even lose thousands of dollars if you get into an accident.
First of all, use all the tools you have when picking an insurance company. Ask your friends what company they use, but keep in mind that insurance premiums are very personal, and a company that gives a great deal to someone you know might not do the same for you.
There are a lot of well-known websites that give advice about car insurance. Find out what you can. Find out what your best options are and go with them. On other websites, you can get quotes from more than one insurance company. These sites are a great way to compare different companies. You'll save a lot of money if you take your time and shop around for the most affordable insurance package.
Almost every company you can trust has a toll-free number you can call to talk to someone. Do not be afraid to use these phone numbers. Call and ask if you have a question. Any company worth thinking about should take the time to help you find out what you need to know. Talking to a representative will also give you an idea of how well a company treats its customers.
Once you find an insurance company with a good price, make sure the company is reputable and the insurance package you are thinking about is worth it. Find out what people are saying about the company by doing a quick Internet search. Are there a lot of bad things said about you? Are they being unfair to their customers? Make sure that the company you choose has a good name. One company's low price might make it seem like the best choice, but if they have bad customer service or a policy of turning down claims, you might not be happy with them in the long run.
When choosing a car insurance company, it's also important to think about what kind of insurance you want. Different businesses meet the needs of different customers. Some people serve people after making a deal. Others have customers who want more and are willing to pay more.
Find out what you need. Do you drive a cheap car that's getting old? Then you might not want an expensive package with full coverage. Consider getting liability-only insurance from an insurer with low rates. Have you just bought a brand-new luxury car? Then find a high-end insurance company that will cover you from head to toe.
Remember that drivers in almost all Canadian provinces are legally required to have some kind of car insurance. Insurance is not something to mess around with. If you don't do anything about it, you could lose your car, your driver's licence, or even go to jail.
If you take the time to buy car insurance from a good company with a good reputation, you could save thousands of dollars and a lot of legal trouble.