Most of the time, getting a loan depends on having a steady job and a good credit score. People with bad credit may have trouble getting a loan to buy a house or to refinance their home loan, but there are ways for many of them to get an adverse remortgage in certain situations. Lenders usually look at what happened to a person's finances that put them in their current or recent situation. They also look at each loan application on its own, instead of using a one-size-fits-all method to approve loans. This is good for a borrower whose situation is unusual and can often help people who are turned down for regular loans.
By letting a person get an adverse remortgage, the lender may not only be helping the borrower through a hard time, but also keeping them from having to go through the time-consuming and costly process of foreclosure. When a homeowner bought a home with a variable-rate mortgage and the rate went up a lot, the homeowner may be having trouble making the monthly payments. By giving the homeowner an adverse remortgage with a lower fixed interest rate, the monthly payments may be low enough for them to be able to afford them.
Also, any equity built up in the home can be used to pay other bills that are past due or to make up for any shortfall on the current home loan. This gives the owner a chance to get their finances in order. By helping the borrower, the lender may be able to avoid having to foreclose on the property. If the owner is now able to pay their bills, the lender has a better chance of getting back the loan amount.
Depending on how far behind the homeowner is on payments and how many other loans, including credit cards, they are behind on, there may still be a chance for them to get an adverse remortgage to help them get through hard financial times. Some lenders think that not everyone with credit problems is bad, so they are willing to take the extra risk of remortgaging their home.
Most people who want an adverse remortgage know that the interest rates may be higher than those for people with good credit, and that if they have trouble making payments in the future, they will likely lose their home. Lenders often find that when things like this happen, most homeowners work harder to keep up with their payments so they don't lose their home. Also, if the lender gives them another chance to get their finances in order, many homeowners may, after some time, be able to refinance their home again and get an interest rate that is usually only for people with good credit.
In addition to lowering monthly payments, an adverse remortgage may also allow a homeowner to stay in their home while they work on getting their credit score back up to par with their lender. Fixing a bad credit score takes time, and this may help them get started.