When you are a student looking for a credit card, everything will be new to you. Don't worry, we all do that sometimes. The best thing about applying for a credit card online is that you can read all of the terms and conditions before you apply without anyone breathing down your neck while you're getting that free t-shirt.
You may have seen those annoying credit card tents set up on your campus by now. It's easy: you sign up, and the companies either give you a free lunch or a t-shirt that's too big for you and that you'll never wear. The United States likes free things, which is why these kinds of systems work.
Let's look at the bad side of getting that free t-shirt by applying for a credit card. You won't know exactly what you're applying for when you fill out the form. When filling out the form, you'll feel rushed, and sometimes you won't even know the APR rate, which is bad.
When you apply online, you have a choice, which is a good thing. You can focus on a certain group of credit cards instead of having one credit card company push one card. So, if you want a credit card for students, you can find a website that caters to that need. From there, you can look at all of the card companies, like MasterCard, VISA, etc.
When you apply online, you have a choice, which is a good thing. You can take your time and sit down to read about each credit card. Every credit card out there comes with a lot of perks, like gas rewards, hotel rewards, and a lot more. Even though you're a student, that doesn't mean you'll get these perks. Most of the time, if you have bad credit, you won't get these perks.
When you think of kiosks, the only benefit you can really think of is getting that t-shirt. Let's face it. You won't be able to read the rules, and they always give you a t-shirt that doesn't fit. So the question is, in the end, is it worth it?
When applying for your first credit card, especially if you're a student, it's important to do your research and find out what you're getting into. When you've been using credit cards for a while and know how they work, maybe that free towel or T-shirt won't be such a bad idea after all.
In the meantime, it's very important that you take the time to do research online or ask your family and friends. So, you'll know exactly what your credit card is for, and in the long run, you'll feel good knowing you've applied for a card you'll actually use.