In our last two articles, we talked about ADD and money. We're going one step further this time.
Once you've got your money in order and have extra, which means all of your bills are paid and you're not in debt, you can put some money aside to play around with and have fun.
We're going to tell you about a system that will help you do just that if you have ADD. When you're almost out of money and don't know what to do, all you have to do is ask yourself two questions.
First, make sure you're only spending money on things you really need, like food and a place to live. After you've taken care of these two needs, there's only one other thing you should spend money on. It's a simple thing.
Try asking yourself this: "This is neither food nor a place to live. How will this thing make me more money right now, not in the long run, if I buy it? How will this thing I'm about to buy right now make me more money?"
You don't buy it if you can't answer that question. If you can answer that question and it fits in with what you're doing at work or in your business and will make you more money, you've got a winner. That thing can be bought.
We're talking about when things are really bad. The tips I'm giving you are for when you're in a desperate situation, but impulse buying can be a problem even when you're not. This is especially true for people with ADD. How many times have we talked to someone who said, "I bought seven programmes that all sounded so good, but I don't know how to use them all"?
First of all, don't bring your credit cards to an event. If you have to, bring one check, cash, or your ATM card. Another thing is that you have to use this same rule in that situation. Ask yourself, "Is this specific piece of tactical information exactly what I need right now to make more money right away?"
Once you figure out how to manage your money, get it in order, and get it to grow for you, you can start trying new things with it because you have separate bank accounts set up for that. You made a separate account, which you called a "whim account," just to mess around with things.
When money is tight and you want to change things, we strongly advise you to be extreme. It's much easier to go for extreme money management and get pretty good money management than it is to go for pretty good money management and not change anything.
Also, the phrase "multiple streams of income" is being used more and more in our society right now. "Oh, I have to have more than one stream. I need more than one way to make money." You do need them, but not all of them today. When we talk about making more money and making and saving money, we mean that you have to build up your income streams one at a time. You build one, tweak it until it works well, keep it going until you're happy with it, and then move on. But if you have ADD, you have to pick one thing to do and stick with it as long as it works.
What you need to ask yourself about your business is, "What will make me the most money, even if I don't like doing it right now?" and pay attention to that source of income.
The point we're making here is that when you're in a tough spot, you should stick to the basics. Even when it's not, you have to stop buying things on the spot because of your ADD, or you'll end up with nowhere to turn. And that's how you have to run your business. You have to use your ADD to keep your attention on what makes the most money.
Ask yourself, "What do I want?" "Will this help me bring in more cash? Can I make more money without it?" and use the answers to make your choice. If you don't, you'll never be able to live how you want. You'll never be stable and will always be looking for a way to make money. You can't live like that. You'll be happier all around if you can handle your ADD and your money.