If this is your first time applying for a credit card, it's normal to be a little worried about how it will go. There are, however, a number of things you can do to improve your chances of being accepted.
How to Get a Credit Card in 9 Easy Steps
Step 1: Get a credit card that you need and want. You can choose between two main types of credit cards: those with low interest rates and those with rewards. If you only want a credit card in case of an emergency, you could get the most out of a low-interest card. But if you want a credit card so you can shop better, you should get one that gives you points or other rewards.
Step 2: Make sure you have everything you might need for a credit card, like a photo, a Social Security number, a valid ID, proof of income, and a billing address. Look at your credit score. If it's less than 620, you can't move on to Step 3 until you fix your credit. If you're just in college, bring proof that you're still in school, like your most recent grades.
Step 3: Apply for a credit card online. Now that you have everything you need, you can apply for a credit card online. If you can change the look of your card, this could be the first thing you need to do. Pick the design that you like the most.
Step #4 After that, you will have to fill out an online application form. In most cases, the first section will ask for your contact information. If you're going to be interviewed again, you should be able to give them a landline number they can use to reach you.
Step #5 Usually, the next section will be about your current and past jobs. The credit card company wants to know if you have a job and how long you've been working for your current employer. This will help them decide if you are a responsible and trustworthy person. Most of the time, the longer you've worked for a company, the better.
Step #6: It's also very important to know about your income. They'll figure out how much your credit card limit should be based on your "gross income," or how much you make before taking out your expenses. If you don't think you'll be able to control yourself, you can always ask them to lower your credit card limit to a level you feel comfortable with. If you plan to give someone an extension or a second card, you can also choose how much of a limit that card will have.
Step #7 On the online application form, you might also have to say if you have a checking account or a savings account. You don't need either one, so don't worry if you don't have one. However, having either one will help the credit card company evaluate your application better.
Step #8: Once you've filled out your application online and sent it in, you won't have to wait more than 24 hours to find out how your application is going. You might get a call later if they want to confirm more information about you. When that happens, just calmly and sure of yourself answer their questions.
Step #9: Don't let being turned down hurt you. You can ask them why you didn't get a credit card, and that will help you decide what to do next. On your next application, you can also ask your employer or a family member with a good credit score to be your guarantor.