Learning to play music on the guitar is one of the most enjoyable things you can do. It can be used for many different things, and once you're good at it, you can even use it to make money. I'll try to show you some easy steps for learning to play music on the guitar, but it will take a lot of time and practise.
You have to keep in mind that there is no easy way out. You have to practise what you have learned or you won't get good at it. Don't give up if it doesn't come to you right away. It will come to you over time.
Reference material
There are a lot of books and videos that can be used as references. All of these can be found on the internet. You can also learn to play music on the guitar by taking classes. Most guitar books have an easy song with a short riff on the first few pages. Start with them and work on them for a while, until you feel ready to move on.
If you want to buy a guitar, go to a music store and pick them up and hold them. Choose one that feels comfortable, and if you still can't decide, talk to the shop assistant and see if they have any tips for choosing the right guitar. Don't let the low price fool you. Most cheap guitars are good to start with. When you first start learning how to play the guitar, you won't need a fancy one because most of the features won't be used and will just get in the way. But as you get better, you might want to upgrade in small steps that match your level of skill.
Classes and lessons in the community
There are many different ways to learn how to play the guitar. Some classes are free or only cost a small amount. Most, though, charge a fee to cover the cost of teachers and supplies. When you take a free class, it's usually just as good as a class that costs money. When you learn to play music on the guitar, each class will help you with the basics. The best thing about classes is that you get to learn by doing. Nothing is better than having someone show you how to do something for real.
Practice will make you better.
If you want to learn to play music on the guitar, you can never practise too much, but you need to do it at different times. Don't play so much that you get so tired that you no longer enjoy it. Always remember that the point is to have fun, and stop doing it as soon as it stops being fun. Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to do.
Always keep in mind that when you learn to play music or the guitar, it's not just for you. It's for everyone to enjoy, so don't be afraid to show your friends and family what you've learned.