At Discount Movie Posters, there are thousands of movie posters to choose from, making it easy to start a collection. We have a huge number of movie posters, from reproductions from 1916 to posters for movies that just came out. Our prices are so low that you can't be unhappy with them.
If you want to be the first of your friends to know about new movies and their posters, now is the best time to add a po...
At Discount Movie Posters, there are thousands of movie posters to choose from, making it easy to start a collection. We have a huge number of movie posters, from reproductions from 1916 to posters for movies that just came out. Our prices are so low that you can't be unhappy with them.
If you want to be the first of your friends to get the latest posters for upcoming movies, now is the best time to buy one because prices are so low. Just like the first Star Wars movie poster, these posters will become classics and go up in price by ten to twelve times.
It is very cool to collect movie posters of well-known actors and actresses. Do you want movie posters with actors like Sean Connery, Sylvester Stallone, Clark Gable, Brad Pitt, or Paul Newman? Or how about movie star posters of actresses like Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, or Audrey Hepburn?
In our collection of old movie posters, you can find Classic French movie posters, Classic Italian movie posters, Classic Mexican movie posters, Classic Russian movie posters, and Vintage German movie posters, among other things. For people who are interested in history, we've added information about the time period of each country, as well as artists and styles from that time. Don't forget to collect old American movie posters as well as those great classic B movie posters.
Along with our catalogue of Vintage U.S. movie posters, we also have posters for both new and old western movies. People often collect western movie posters because they have beautiful landscapes or amazing photography.
If you are serious about collecting movie and movie star posters, it is important to know how to take care of and fix your posters.
Posters are made to promote something, so they are printed on cheap, acidic paper. After a while, those acids could hurt your movie poster. So it's important to learn about ways to take care of movie posters, such as chemical stabilisation, deacidification, and checking pH levels.
Poster protection framing is when none of the materials used to frame a movie poster hurt the poster in any way.
About putting up posters again There may be weird things on valuable posters. Professionals in restoration can fix the flaws and even bring missing pieces back to their original state.
It doesn't matter if you're thinking about posters for movies that just came out, are still playing, or have been around for a long time.