Anyone who owns a classic car or a collection of classic cars that never go out of style knows that a standard auto insurance policy can't meet the needs of a person who drives a classic car. For example, a classic car owner is more likely than a regular driver to file a claim for repainting after a small scratch. On the other hand, a regular driver is much more likely than a classic car owner to get into a pile-up on the highway. The driving habits and needs of someone who drives a classic 1950s Ford are obviously very different from those of someone who drives a used 1997 Taurus. It makes perfect sense, then, that insurance companies would make policies just for people who drive classic cars.
The idea of flexible usage is one of the best parts of many classic car insurance policies. With this unique idea, drivers can get full coverage at a rate that depends on how often and where they drive their cars. Most people who drive old cars drive them less than a thousand miles a year, but some collectors drive their prized cars up to five thousand miles a year. Some drivers are very careful about distance because it can cause wear and tear on the car, but just as many classic car enthusiasts care more about where they are driving than how far they are going.
Many people who own vintage cars only take them out for special events like auto shows or parades. However, there are some drivers who like to go for a drive every now and then when they don't have to. With a flexible-use insurance policy, a driver can pay only for the coverage he or she needs to cover the way he or she drives a classic car. This means that a driver who likes to drive around town on the weekend won't have to worry about putting his or her investment at risk. It also means that a driver who only starts the car for special occasions won't have to pay extra money for open road privileges he or she won't use.
In addition to knowing what is and isn't covered, a classic car owner who has classic car insurance instead of a standard auto policy can enjoy many other benefits. For one thing, if the agent in charge of the policy knows and understands the needs of people who own classic cars, it can save a lot of trouble and phone time. Collectors of old cars are understandably picky about where they get their cars fixed. Often, they won't let anyone but a mechanic they know and trust look at their car. The reasons for this are clear to an agent who knows what classic car owners want and need, but for an agent who hasn't worked with these kinds of customers before, this can be a hard fact to accept.