Since there are so many ways to get a degree online, it almost doesn't make sense to go to a college or university. Online courses will never be able to replace the full immersion of a real school, but for people who work or have other obligations, they can open doors that were previously closed.
An online education might be right for you if you need to get a promotion at work or just want to get the job that you want. It's usually cheaper and, most importantly, gives you more freedom than a similar course at a university or college.
Online universities work hard to improve their reputations and offer courses in fields that are in demand. Keeping this in mind, the entrance requirements for online and offline courses are usually the same.
A typical online degree can be finished in about 3 years, but that depends on how much time and effort you put into it and whether or not you already have credits that can be used. Doing research is one of the most important things to do if you are thinking about getting an online education. Find out about the school's past and its reputation now. Also, find out if the degree you will get will be accepted for what you need in the future. In the past, there have been times when some online schools did little more than sell degrees. This can lead to problems like losing jobs and getting in trouble with the law.
Keep a cool head and do your homework, and you'll be fine.