When it comes to buying life insurance, everyone wants a quick and easy way to do it. You can make that happen if you know what to look for when you buy life insurance. The price has everything to do with how easy it is. By far, the cheapest kind of life insurance is term life insurance. Easy has everything to do with buying life insurance that is easy and doesn't take a lot of time. That makes it clear that you should buy insurance that doesn't require a medical exam. Most insurance companies call these the "non-medical limits." The good news is that. The bad news is that as you get older, the limits that aren't based on health become much stricter. As we get older, life insurance companies need to check us out before they give us a policy.
If you want something easy and painless, you should look for the largest amount of life insurance you can buy without a physical exam. Almost all life insurance companies use the Medical Insurance Bureau to look into the medical history of people who want to buy insurance. The MIB may have medical information on an applicant that could lead to a medical exam or the application being turned down. Do not look for non-medical insurance to hide a condition that has already been diagnosed. If you lied on the application, your future claim could be turned down.
Try the market and learn about the limits that aren't related to health. If you are in good health and don't have any pre-existing conditions, buying life insurance without an exam will save you time and make things easier for both you and the insurance company. Make sure to put all of your medical history and the name of your primary care doctor on the application. Life insurance companies like it when you get a physical once a year and get regular checkups. So there you go. You now know enough to buy term life insurance in an easy and painless way the next time you need it.