Survival life jackets are the most important thing that sailors should have on their inflatable boats. If you are in a boating accident, wearing a life jacket or Personal Flotation Device (PFD) will keep you afloat until help arrives. There are several different kinds sailing life jacket designs. To buy the right type of life jacket, you need to know about each one.
If you take your sailboat out on the ocean often, you should wear a life jacket made for the ocean. This survival jacket is made so that you can stay afloat when the water is rough. Even if you pass out in a sailing accident and float face down, this kind of personal flotation device will turn you over so you can see. With 22 pounds of buoyancy, it is the best PFD to have when sailing on remote lakes where help may take a long time to arrive.
The traditional life jacket for adults and kids is called a "near shore survival jacket." It doesn't take up as much space as the offshore PFD and is made for sailing in shallower waters. This kind of personal flotation device is made for places where you won't have to be in the water for very long before help arrives.
A flotation aid might be something to think about if you want to sail in comfort. Most boating activities that are for fun use this type of life jacket. Even though these jackets will keep you afloat in the water and save your life, they are not true survival jackets because they won't turn your face up if you pass out.
You need to know about the different types of life jackets so that you can give your passengers the best safety gear for your inflatable boat. If a family likes to go sailing together, each person should have their own flotation device. Survival vests and life jackets aren't as big and uncomfortable as they used to be. Make sure that the Coast Guard has approved the PFDs you buy for your inflatable sailboat.