It can be hard to figure out which health plan is the best one. Even though there is no "best" plan, there are many plans on the market today that would be better for you and your family's health insurance needs than others. To put it simply, instead of just giving you the answers, the best thing we could do is help you come up with the right questions. The questions below could help you and your family make smart decisions about choosing the best health care option from all the ones that are available.
There are three big things to think about, and each has its own set of questions. By giving the questions careful thought, you'd be able to come up with the best plan for you and your family.
- How much can you pay for health care?
How much would it cost me each month?
- Should I try to cover most of my medical costs myself or just the big ones?
Can I afford a policy that takes care of at least my kids?
- What part of my costs are covered by the plan after I've paid the deductible?
- Should I pay a deductible before my insurance starts to help pay for my costs?
How much more would I have to pay if I went to a doctor outside of the plan's complex?
- How often should I go to the doctor, and how much should I pay each time?
- Are the integrated services right for me (in terms of access to care)?
- Do I want to see enough different kinds of doctors?
- Which doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers are included in the plan?
Where would I go to get help? Are these places close to where I live or where I work?
- Is there a cap on how much I should pay if I get a serious illness?
- Do I require getting permission before I see a medical specialist?
Does the plan pay for all the costs of having a baby?
- Have people who have a certain plan had good results (quality of care)?
How do groups that run their own governments rate the different plans?
- What do my friends think about how well they understand a certain plan?
- What does my doctor say about how much they know about a certain plan?