What is the average size of a man's penis? How big can it get?
Some experts say that the average size is 5.9 inches and that 90% of all penises are between 5.1 and 7 inches.
The following are the world records for fully functional penises. At its smallest, it's 0.6 inches. It's a whopping 11.7 inches at its longest point.
Can I make my penis bigger?
Yes. The Bihari Procedure and Fat Injection are two well-known and commonly used surgeries to make the penis bigger.
In the Bihari Procedure, the ligament that holds the bottom of the penis to the body is cut. This gives the penis an average overall length increase of between half an inch and two inches. But since the penis is no longer attached to the body, an erection won't point straight up anymore.
Fat Injection involves taking fat from the back of the patient's thighs and injecting it into the penis to make it bigger (wideness). Most of the time, the body rejects a big chunk of the fat injection. This procedure may need to be done more than once, and each time there is a high chance of getting an infection. I don't agree with this method at all.
Why is circumcision done, and what is it?
Male circumcision is when the foreskin is cut off of the penis. In a hospital, it is usually done very soon after birth by a doctor or midwife who is filling in. Jewish boys are also circumcised in a ceremony eight days after birth by a mohel.
Some Muslim boys are circumcised when they are older, around age 12. (ouch).
Most American boys get circumcised, because it's a common thing to do these days.
Most people get circumcised for reasons like better hygiene, being "normal,"
Many people think that his penis should look just like his father's.
Some of the most common arguments against circumcision are that it is no longer necessary for health reasons, that it is very painful, that it is a barbaric practise, that it could cause an infection or a surgical mistake, that it gives a "normal" or "better" appearance; "his penis should look like his father's," and that an uncircumcised penis is much more sensitive.
I hope this clears up some of the most common mistakes people make about the penis.