Getting your first credit card is exciting and gives you a sense of freedom. You don't have to carry cash around with you, and you can also "charge it." A student credit card isn't always the same as a regular credit card. Because of this, there...
In every office, there is a group. Once or twice a week after work, they go to a nearby watering hole for "happy hour" to let off steam, talk about the boss behind his back, and maybe even plan future career moves. Do you look down on this merry...
As you leave college, you probably have a lot more with you than just a diploma. If you're like most recent college graduates, you have a lot of credit card debt. In fact, the average college graduate has over $2,000 in credit card debt when they...
Once a loan is agreed upon, the borrower has to take care of certain things. To keep your loan in good standing, you should make sure to do everything you need to. Delinquency means that even one payment has not been made on time. If you keep not...
A survey by the consumer advocacy group Consumer Action and the financial services company Capital One found that most Americans don't know the basics about their credit score and personal finances.
The survey asked questions of 1,002...
Health care costs keep going up and up, and every politician, business owner, and worker is looking for ways to save money.
The National Association of Health Underwriters and ChapterHouse LLC recently released a study called "Buying...
It can be tough to learn a second language. If you were lucky enough to grow up with parents who spoke more than one language or went to a school that taught second languages, that's great. But what if you want to learn a second language now that...
If you're in college or university, you probably take a lot of notes in class and when you read your textbooks. Then, when it's time to study for an exam, you go back over the notes you took.
You may have wondered if there was a right or...
How do you make a podcast that does well? What are the most common problems that independent podcasts have to deal with? How do podcasts bring in money? We look at these questions and the lessons you can learn from the popular Coverville podcast...