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Auto Loans : Top 5 Tips For The Best Rate

By Team iBizExpert On February 17, 2022 06:11 AM No Comments
You want that shiny new Lexus, or maybe it's a Kia, but it's perfect and you want it as soon as possible. At the same time, you don't want to end up paying almost twice as much for the car as it's worth when you're done paying off the loan. Here...

Understanding Prepayment Penalties on Home Loans

By Team iBizExpert On February 15, 2022 06:02 PM No Comments
Mortgage lenders would rather have order than chaos. Some lenders take this idea to its logical end by adding prepayment penalty clauses to mortgages. How to Understand the Penalties for Paying Off a Home Loan Early When a...

Avoiding Credit Card Penalties

By Team iBizExpert On January 03, 2022 02:07 PM No Comments
Credit card companies are very willing and quick to put a penalty charge on your account for every mistake, delay, or slip-up you make, without giving it a second thought. This is a sad fact of life. Millions of dollars can be taken from...

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