You can expect to find great places to skydive in New Jersey whether you're going north toward New York or south toward Philadelphia.
When choosing a skydiving centre, especially if it's your first jump, there are some important things to...
What exactly is a parachute? Silk was once used to make risers, which are strong shoulder and waist straps that hold the fabric in place. Parachutes used to be made of silk, but that was a long time ago. During the Second World War, stronger...
What You Need to Know About Skydiving Gear
When you go to a skydiving certification course, you can rent all the equipment you need for the duration of the course. But if you want to play the sport seriously, you'll need to get ready for...
A military manual on how to jump out of a plane can be a very useful text. Parachuting is one of the riskiest things you can do. Simple things like not folding your parachute right can kill you. Also, not getting off the plane in the right way is...
Skydiving is one way to try out the trend of extreme sports. One of the most popular extreme sports in the world today is skydiving. Even though there are a lot of rumours and fears about the sport itself, it is also one of the safest. To learn...