Since June 30, 2006, your Federal Government has made it a rule that you must spend all of your money before you can get care in a nursing home. The goal of these strict new rules is to make the healthy spouse poor. They have made it so that you...
At social events, people always ask me about the new Medicare rules for nursing homes. Seniors worry a lot about having to spend down their assets and not being able to keep a certain amount. This never-ending drain on their money worries the...
If you took out several student loans to pay for your education and now have a lot of monthly bills to pay, you may find that a student loan consolidation will help you. But if your loans are from the Federal government, you might not be...
If you are good at golf and want to go to college, you should at least look around to see if any colleges or universities offer scholarships for students. People who do well in school are always looking for scholarships, but they aren't always...
Seniors and their families in the United States worry a lot about long-term care. Studies have shown that Americans put long-term care second on their list of financial needs, after saving for retirement. Many Americans don't want to think about...
A survey done for the John Hancock Life Insurance Co.* found that most Americans worry they will need long-term care at some point after they retire, but only a small number of them are doing anything about it. It says that 85 percent of the...
It can be hard to figure out what kind of Homeowners insurance coverage you need, especially if you are a first-time homeowner or have never really looked at your policy. One of the most important things to remember when figuring out what kind...
Do you want to go to the best nursing school, become a nurse, make a lot of money, and have a steady job? To do this and a lot more, you need to look into the best nursing schools and find out which one will give you the best education for what...
Do you want to go from being an LPN to an RN? If you get your RN degree online, you'll probably get there faster and easier. You already know the most important things. You have already gone to school to get your LPN. But becoming an RN is a big...
Most of the time, a nurse needs an RN degree to get a better-paying job in a specialised area, like intensive care or office work. If a nurse already has an LPN, an online RN degree may be the best choice for them. Most people finish these...