When your finances seem to be taking over your life and you can't make your payments each month, you should try to work out debt settlements with each of your creditors before you file for bankruptcy. A debt settlement is when a creditor agrees...
People usually get crushed by the weight of their debts in two main ways. Some people feel like debt hit them like a tonne of bricks when they lost their job or got sick and couldn't work or had to spend a lot of money on medical bills. Other...
Savings accounts are run by a commercial bank or a mutual savings bank. The FDIC backs savings accounts up to the limits shown. The money you put in a savings account earns interest over time, which helps you get richer. How much interest you get...
Several states let people freeze their credit report, which makes it impossible to get credit in their name. Some states, like Texas, Illinois, Washington, and Vermont, only let people freeze their credit if they have already been a victim of...
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket!" is probably what everyone will tell you about investments. This old saying just means that you shouldn't put all of your money into one company or industry when you're investing. Diversification is the...
The consistency with which you save money is more important than how much money you save. Those who are wealthy and can save a lot of money will earn more interest, but for the rest of us, even saving a few dollars every week will add up over...
Most people have had debt that got out of hand at some point in their lives. Before hiring a company that specialises in helping people get their finances in order, you should try a few self-debt-reduction methods to see if you can make things...
Not all credit counselling services require people to join a debt management programme, and not all people who need credit counselling also need a debt management programme.
A debt management programme helps people deal with the debt they...
If you suddenly find yourself in a sea of high-interest credit card accounts, you may want to try a few self-debt-reduction strategies to make your monthly payments easier to handle and go further toward paying off what you owe instead of just...
If you can't seem to find a way out of your debts and don't see any other options, you might want to look into getting help from a debt counselling programme. A debt counselling programme is meant to help people get caught up on their bills and...