Having to deal with creditors can be very stressful and frustrating, especially if you have a lot of debt and can't pay back what you owe. In this situation, you will definitely want to get along well with your creditors to show that you are...
These days, credit cards are so helpful, and almost everyone knows it. This means that people want them, and they usually want them quickly. Even credit card companies know this, which is why they often offer "deals" that aren't really deals at...
People often use credit cards to pay their bills now. It's very convenient because you don't have to take cash out of your pocket to pay. Even though credit cards are easy to use, the company that issues them charges a fee. Paying credit card...
A well-known saying among lawyers is, "He who pays wrong pays twice." When you compare this to credit cards, it makes the point even more clear. After a big shopping spree with your credit card, it's time to pay it back. But if the rates aren't...
A CD does not mean a compact disc in the world of finance. Instead, it stands for a certificate of deposit. So, if you buy a CD for a certain amount of money through savings and loans or a bank, the bank will pay you a certain amount of interest...
When someone wants to refinance their mortgage, one of the most common things they say is, "I just missed a mortgage payment, and I want to refinance before it's too late." When I ask them about their credit, most of them say, "Oh, I pay...
People who call and want to do business with me often ask, "Would you put your mom in an Option ARM?" I used to tell people that my mom had a 15-year mortgage but paid it off in 10 years because she knew she was going to live in her house...
Statistics show that the number of people who want unsecured small business loans has grown quickly in the past few years. People who don't have anything to put up as collateral can get a loan without putting anything up as security. This is...
There are a lot of different kinds of personal loans out there. If you need a loan, it's important to look at all of your choices before making your final decision. Unsecured personal loans are one type of loan. In this article, we'll talk about...
There are rules about bank car loans. This is the most important thing you'll learn from reading this article. This means that the interest rate on the car loan can't be more than a certain amount per year. This doesn't mean that banks will give...