Do you need cash right away to deal with your current financial problems? There are many things that can happen that we can't plan for that can throw off our financial plans and leave us in a bind when we have to deal with emergencies like sudden...
Do you need cash right away to deal with your current financial problems? There are many things that can happen that we can't plan for that can throw off our financial plans and leave us in a bind when we have to deal with emergencies like sudden...
When you take your business to other countries, you will be talking to people who speak different languages. Also, your audience may not have the same cultural background as you do, and that does matter.
Surprisingly, a lot of people think...
In life and business, the Winner's Walk is a key strategy. When you meet someone new, 93 percent of what you think and feel about them is based on how they move. People will feel your presence and know you have something to offer if you walk like...
Most of our "mind power" comes from how we use words and is limited by how many words we know. Each language has different words that mean different things and different ways of putting things. So, when you learn a new language, you learn how to...
It is so interesting to learn Japanese. The tones of the language are very different, and the politeness of the Japanese people comes through well in their language, which is both elegant and respectful.
Japanese writing is also very...
In the business world of today, which is growing all the time on a planet that is getting smaller, it is easy and smart for your company to market its goods and services around the world. With the Internet being so common in our English-speaking...
It can be tough to learn a second language. If you were lucky enough to grow up with parents who spoke more than one language or went to a school that taught second languages, that's great. But what if you want to learn a second language now that...
How quickly can someone learn a new language? You can buy things that say they will teach you to speak in a few weeks or even a few days. I'm trying to learn Spanish quickly, but like learning any other language, it's a long, hard process that...
German is a very common language all over the world. German is one of the three languages that people learn the most, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. It is also one of the ten languages that people speak the most around the...