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Loan Sharks In The City

By Team iBizExpert On April 14, 2022 03:37 PM No Comments
Loan sharks prey on poor people while the government protects them. In 1987, the BBC show Panorama looked into loan sharks. Tony Blair, who was the Labour Party's city spokesman at the time, said on the show: "You need some control and regulation...

How To Get Alabama Affordable Health Insurance

By Team iBizExpert On April 07, 2022 06:06 AM No Comments
The Alabama Department of Insurance is in charge of all types of insurance sold in Alabama. This means that if you live in Alabama and are having trouble finding affordable health insurance, you can ask for help from the Department of Insurance....

One-Stop Shopping-Now Available At Your Local Bank Branch

By Team iBizExpert On March 09, 2022 11:41 PM No Comments
In our fast-paced society, convenience reigns supreme. People are less happy with places that only offer one product or service, and "one-stop shopping" places are becoming more popular because they save people time and effort. Many types...

Alabama Mortgage - What to Expect When Buying a Home in Alabama

By Team iBizExpert On February 09, 2022 10:40 AM No Comments
You might be moving to Alabama from another state or buying your first home in Alabama. No matter what, you should learn about Alabama home loans before you look for a house and a mortgage. This article tells you everything you need to know about...

Pay as You Go car insurance?

By Team iBizExpert On February 06, 2022 05:30 AM No Comments
With a cell phone plan, you can pay as you talk, so why not pay as you drive for car insurance? It sounds like a good idea, but would auto insurance that you pay for based on how much you drive work for you? Pay-as-you-drive car insurance is a...

Katrina - What Its Like To Be An Evacuee

By Team iBizExpert On January 29, 2022 12:00 PM No Comments
Less than 24 hours before Hurricane Katrina hit land, my wife and I started packing up the car to leave St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. We only had an hour to get the brakes fixed before we had to leave. We had to rely on the kindness of a...

Auschwitz Death Camp, Lesson Learned?

By Team iBizExpert On January 28, 2022 09:33 PM No Comments
During WWII, Auschwitz was the most well-known of the Nazi work camps. There, a man or woman could be sent to the gas chambers or used in medical experiments at any time. They could also be given an injection of phenol to the heart, which would...

An overview of hypnosis

By Team iBizExpert On January 28, 2022 04:51 PM No Comments
When someone is hypnotised, they are in a state of mind where their thoughts and actions are controlled. In hypnosis, there are two people: the subject and the hypnotist. The subject is the person who is being tested, and the hypnotist is the...

Choosing the Right eBooks to Sell on eBay

By Team iBizExpert On January 20, 2022 05:39 AM No Comments
As you may already know, selling eBooks is a field with a lot of money-making potential. Many people have found that selling eBooks on eBay, for example, can bring in a lot of money. There are many places where you can get good information about...

Maternity Leave Challenges in the US Today

By Team iBizExpert On January 19, 2022 09:37 AM No Comments
Even though paid maternity leave is guaranteed in 163 countries, it is not in the United States. In fact, the US is in the same boat as Lesotho, Papua New Guinea, and Swaziland when it comes to maternity leave. Australia is the only other...

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