When a borrower misses a credit card payment, defaults on loan payments, or doesn't pay his bills on time, this shows up as a blemish on his credit report. Credit rating agencies keep a close eye on these things, and when they happen, they label...
As a borrower for a mortgage in the UK, you have the right to find the best deal. Is that a hard thing to do? Not if you know what to look for and where to look when thinking about a mortgage. To get the best mortgage deal in UK, you have to...
If you don't plan well for a buy-to-let mortgage, your plans to buy a house could go awry. The buy-to-let mortgage is a big part of the purchase, which is different from other types of property investments. Many people may take the plunge because...
You put your house up as collateral and now you need money. What will you do now? Take out another loan or borrow money from a friend to add to the amount of debt you have. You can go with "Remortgaging," which is a better choice.
If you're a first-time home buyer looking for your dream home, your real estate agent or property developer has probably already asked you, "How much will you be putting down?" You may be able to get a "No Money Down Mortgage" or "Zero Down Home...
Once you know how much you can put down on your home mortgage, you need to figure out how to prove where the money for the down payment and closing costs came from. You might be thinking, "Why do they care where my money comes from?" Lenders need...
If you are buying a home and have a large portion of your assets in a retirement account like a 401K, 403B, or other retirement product or annuity, you may decide to use those funds to make a down payment on your new home. This is becoming an...
The dream of owning a home is on almost everyone's list of things they want to do in their lives. It's one of the things that, in some ways, shows we've made it in life. It can make many people feel proud and like they've done something great. If...
You've probably read or heard the word "mortgage," but you might not know what it means or how it can help you get the most out of your property. So keep reading.
The word "mortgage" refers to a contract in which a borrower can use their...