Almost every time you buy something, big or small, you need some kind of credit. You'll use some kind of credit whether you're buying a house, a car, or just some appliances or electronics for your home. When you get a loan, there's a good chance...
You may have just gotten your first credit card. If so, you might be happy. After all, having a credit card has a lot of good points. Keeping this in mind, if you're not careful, your credit card could become your worst nightmare if you're not...
Even if you have bad credit, getting a car loan has gotten a little bit easier in recent years. The truth is that some lenders look for people with bad credit to give them money. They are often called "sub prime lenders," and they can give you...
There are many reasons why you shouldn't keep a big credit card balance. Your credit score can go down if you have a lot of debt. They will make you pay interest with your hard-earned money. Now there's another reason not to keep a big balance on...
Credit cards have become a must-have in the modern world. Because it's easy to use them to shop in person or online and because you need one to do simple things like make hotel and car reservations, it's hard to impossible to go for long periods...
You may have heard about credit cards that give you cash back when you buy gas. Since the price of gas goes up and down (but stays high), you might be interested in these credit cards that give you money back when you buy gas. Are they what you...
"You have to spend money to make money!" is a common saying. This is so true, especially when it comes to business. If you want your business to grow, you'll need a way to get money and access to cash flow, especially when things are...
Have you ever used a credit card? Do you know exactly what fees you pay and how much of your monthly payment goes toward them? If you don't know what you're paying for when you make your monthly payments, you're not alone. Too many of us don't...
A CCJ, or County Court Judgment, is a court order to pay money. They are recorded in the Register of County Court Judgments and do affect a person's credit.
Paying off a CCJ is the easiest way to deal with it, but if you can't do that, you...
If you get your free credit report once a year and find mistakes, you should dispute the information and try to get it changed on your report. When you dispute the information, you are protected by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which says that...