One of the biggest lies is that if you file for bankruptcy, you will be financially free and no longer have debt problems. Wrong! Filing for bankruptcy is not the only way to get out of debt. Every year, more than a million people in the U.S....
Many of you may be wondering what the difference is between good debt and bad debt. First, let's talk about debt. According to Webster's dictionary, a debt is "something that is owed or that one is obligated to pay or do for another, or a...
A recent study by the National Center for Education Statistics shows that half of recent college graduates have student loans, with an average debt of $10,000. College costs rise at twice the rate of inflation on average. With college costs going...
If you go to any bookstore, I'll bet you my last dollar that there is an entire shelf of books that teach you how to become a millionaire in 10 easy steps.
It all sounds good and is fun to read, but most of it is just nonsense that doesn't...
Many people don't know that they only have a short amount of time to pay a bill after it has been sent to a collection agency. This is because collection accounts are put on a national list, and every collection agency in the country is told...
During my sophomore year of college, I walked to class every day past tables where people tried to get students to sign up for credit cards by offering free t-shirts, water bottles, or key chains. I gave in and got a credit card. I got...
According to the US Census Bureau, there were about 14 million single parents in the United States in 2006. These parents are raising 21.6 million children. 83% of single parents are mothers, and 30.3% of all single parents get help from the...