In recent years, more and more people have been getting payday loans, which are also called "paycheck advances." There are more and more men and women who need quick cash because they have too many bills or an emergency. The way payday loans work...
How lenders work, and how they'll make a tidy fortune off of people who don't know what's going on.
Credit card companies may seem like very smart, money-making businesses that take advantage of every loophole to get the most out of the...
Having an idea of what's out there and how to choose
The world of money can be tricky for both borrowers who have done it before and those who have never done it before. By accident or on purpose, banks can make even the simplest...
Borrow money from friends, family, or people you've known for a long time. Don't be afraid to ask family and friends for money. Did you know that Sam Walton's father-in-law loaned him $20,000 so he could start Wal-Mart?
What about Fred...
Think carefully before you borrow money from friends or family. If you have a great idea for making money but bad credit, family and friends may be able to help.
Any time you take out a loan, you are taking on some financial risk. When you...