If you can't seem to find a way out of your debts and don't see any other options, you might want to look into getting help from a debt counselling programme. A debt counselling programme is meant to help people get caught up on their bills and...
Now that you've made a list of all your debts, it's time to do something about how much bad debt you have. You probably had a good time getting into debt and took your time building up that huge pile of bills. Unfortunately, getting out of debt...
You knew we'd have to say the "B" word at some point. That awful word that sounds like "fudge-it." Unfortunately, you can't cheat on your budget if you want to kill the debt monster and get (or make!) your financial independence back.
In this series of articles, you can go at your own pace as you work to kill the debt monster and get back full control of your money. Whether you were like a kid in a candy store or just spent a little more each month than you made for a long...
Bankruptcies are also known as "reorganisations" or "liquidations," depending on the type of bankruptcy you choose. Both a "Chapter 7" bankruptcy and a "Chapter 13" bankruptcy are federal court processes that help businesses or consumers get rid...
Consumers who are thinking about filing for bankruptcy have a lot of questions and often don't know if there are any benefits. Other than getting rid of the debt that hangs over their heads every day, are there any other benefits to filing...
You have several ways to get rid of the debt that has taken over your life and get back on your feet. Debt consolidation is one of the best things you can do. In this article, we'll talk about the top ten reasons why debt consolidation is a...