Have you been using your credit card to pay for everything? Have you ever given in to the urge to buy something on the spot? Does a day go by without you buying something you don't really need or can't really afford?
If any of the above...
Low interest rates are hard to come by if you have bad credit documentation. Payday loan lenders can't give you a fair interest rate if you have county court judgments or have skipped payments or been late in the past. But no one can take away...
Home improvement projects are great, but they can get pricey fast. When planning home improvements, there are a number of things that should be taken into account. In some cases, getting the help of professionals and buying tools and materials...
If you've been abusing your credit cards like many Americans do, it's likely that you already have enough debt to last you until you retire. On the other hand, you might need to bite the bullet, say "enough is enough," and take action before you...
Even though the housing market has "softened" in recent months, there are still a lot of good reasons to get a new home loan at the current 30 year mortgage rates. You can get a low fixed rate, affordable monthly payments, and cash from your...
Everyone can get a bad credit unsecured loan:
You need loans without collateral, and you think it will be easy to get them. When you look at your credit report, what do you find? Bad score! Bad credit is true. You ask things like "how,"...
When a borrower misses a credit card payment, defaults on loan payments, or doesn't pay his bills on time, this shows up as a blemish on his credit report. Credit rating agencies keep a close eye on these things, and when they happen, they label...
Most of us don't like to take risks because they put us in danger. The same thing happens when we take out loans, especially when we have to use our home as collateral. The fear factor here is that the collateral could be taken back. But you can...
Are you having trouble getting a loan to pay for unplanned costs? Do you need to fix your car or house? You need to pay your bills, right? Do you have a bad credit history? You didn't get the personal loan you wanted. Then you might want to think...
Lenders are right to be interested in secured homeowner loans. A secured homeowner loan is the only loan that protects lenders from as much risk as it does. But why are so many people suddenly interested in secured homeowner loans? Don't they...