The first thing to do after filing for bankruptcy is to fix your credit. If you don't have a good credit history, banks and financial institutions might not want to deal with you.
If and when you get credit again after filing for...
When people hear that they might go bankrupt, they tend to panic and stop thinking straight. Doesn't understand that there are ways to get mortgages after bankruptcy again and again. Actually, re-financing your mortgage after filing for...
If you've been bankrupt and are trying to rebuild your credit, it will help to keep track of your progress as you add more good information to your credit report. And a credit monitoring service is one way to keep track of your...
First, let's define some terms: When a person or business declares bankruptcy, it means that the law says they can't or can't pay their debts. When a person has been declared bankrupt by the court, debt collectors are no longer allowed to try to...
If you don't have so much debt that you can't get out of it, credit counselling and debt management may be the best thing for you to do. There may be other ways for people with a lot of debt to get a fresh start besides going bankrupt.
Have you filed for bankruptcy recently? Do you worry that you won't be able to get credit? The good news is that you can still get a credit card. And here's some even better news: you can start to rebuild your credit right away. With careful...
People file for bankruptcy these days for a number of different reasons. Some reasons why someone might file for bankruptcy are unexpected medical bills, losing their job, or having too much debt. Then, one might wonder if it's possible to buy a...
Some people don't seem to realise that bankruptcy really is a "fresh start," even though it can have some bad effects.
Some people are still unhappy even though they have good things going for them.
I got the following...
If you want to get a personal loan after filing for bankruptcy, there are four key things that will determine your success:
Existing debt
How good your credit is
Let's take a...
Here are some things you can do before applying for a loan after bankruptcy that could improve your chances of being approved.
First, do what you can to improve your credit score. This is very important because most lenders will look at...