No fax payday loans get money quickly and without a credit check. You don't have to worry about making copies or filling out paperwork. You don't have to do anything. All you have to do is wait for the money to be sent to your checking account. Even payments are automatic.
No Worries About Paperwork
With no-fax payday loan companies, you don't have to send copies of your pay stubs, a blank check, or any other proof of your identity. Lenders can check your information by looking it up in a database. So all you have to do is go online and put in some basic information. The rest is taken care of by them.
You can get your money faster if there is no paperwork to look over. When fast systems are in place, loans can be approved in just a few minutes. In the rare case that information needs to be confirmed, like if there was an error on the application, you can expect a phone call that business day.
No Checks on Credit
There are fewer requirements for payday loans than for other kinds of credit. Lenders only want to know where you live, that you have a checking account, and that you make money regularly.
They don't care about how you've paid in the past, how much debt you have, or your credit score. No credit check is done. Don't worry about the collateral.
Money Comes Quickly
Companies that offer online payday loans send the money straight to your checking account. No waiting for a check to be cashed and processed. Your money can come the next day. In some cases, you can get it in a matter of hours and use it for a variety of financial emergencies.
Your payments are taken care of. When you get paid next, your lender will take the payment out of your account automatically. You decide how much of your loan to pay back.
How to Choose a Payday Lender Online
Like with any other lender, you should look into fees before making a choice. Ask about the fixed fee and the length of the loan. You can also compare loans by asking for the loan's APR.
A few minutes spent looking at sites can save you $50 or more. More money could be saved the longer you keep the loan.