Some auto responder improvements can help you get the most out of your marketing and sales. Try some of these tried-and-true marketing and advertising pieces, which use a two-step mailing process. Sure to make you more money.
- Don't put all of your customer testimonials or recommendations on your website. Instead, put only a few of them there. Set up an auto responder form that lets visitors know they can get a full list by sending you their email address. Give them a list that packs a punch. It's better to include all of them.
- Instead of answering every e-mail question from a customer, publish a list of "Frequently Asked Questions" and make them available to people who sign up through an auto responder. to save time and help avoid problems.
- Put out free reports that your auto responder can send out. The reports you send out should be about your business or website and include information, ads, and links to your sites. People like getting things for free.
- Get important information about how happy your customers are by posting a survey that will be sent automatically to people who sign up on your site in exchange for a free eBook, software, or trial period at your membership site. This kind of information will help you figure out what they need, what they like, and what they don't like.
Switch things up. Change how you use your auto responder to change how your auto responder works. Also, top salespeople agree that it often takes seven or more sales messages or communications before a potential customer makes a purchase. They also confirm that it's usually easier to sell to a referral because someone they know gave a good review of their products or services.
What would happen if you put these two strong ideas together? A clever and economical two-step. Try these two things:
- Put a price list of all the goods and services you sell in an insert, direct marketing package, or.pdf that can be accessed through an auto responder. You could also add order forms, descriptions of products, and other sales materials. Then send monthly updates, news of new sales and products/services, and a request for referrals to the people in #1.
- Use your auto responder to gather leads. Ask for mailing addresses and phone numbers, too, so you can keep in touch with each person in other ways. When you get the email digest of everyone's email addresses and other information from those who asked for more information from your auto responder, follow up in more than one way. Mail some postcards. Call. Send out sales letters and other advertising pieces in the mail.
So why not try to close more deals and reach out to more people at the same time?