If there is one secret to getting someone to like you, it is this one piece of information. If you try to master it, you will notice a big difference in how easy and fast it is for you to attract people.
What is it that you want to know? First, you need to ask, "What do I want?" Write down all the things you want. Now, ask yourself how it makes you feel to think about these things. Most people will tell you they are sad, angry, and needy. All of these feelings are completely different from how it actually feels to have.
Now, ask yourself how you would feel if you had all the money in the world to do the things you really want to do.
Can you feel how different that makes you feel? There is a clear feeling of pretending or imagining what it would be like to already have what you "want."
To use the law of attraction effectively, you need to move from the feeling of wanting to the feeling of having. Most people find it hard to feel like they have, which is one of the hardest things to do. It's not easy, but there are lots of techniques that can help you get there quickly and easily.
The way to make what you want come true is to vibrate on the state of already having it. The more you can feel yourself in a clear, balanced, and rich state with a lot of energy, the faster you can make what you want come true.
There are many old teachings that use different spiritual tools to quickly get into the right place to make magic happen. What we have trouble with, like money, our homes, and our relationships, could be easy to get if we learned to be in harmony with those things.
The law of attraction and the principles of manifesting can be a lot of fun if you can just get out of heavy states like fear and neediness.
A child could learn to manifest much faster than an adult. Most adults find it hard to just accept that the law of attraction works. That is the biggest problem with applying the laws of attraction. If it's so hard to believe, it makes sense that attracting would bring up a lot of fear and tension.
If you are afraid or have any doubts, you are in a state of wanting but not having.