If you want to make money trading penny stocks, you need to be smart about it. To start trading in penny stocks, you don't have to do much. It can be put into three main parts.
- Money:
We're not just talking about the money in your bank account when we talk about money. It's not the money you use to pay your rent, buy your car, or eat. Penny stocks can be very risky, and while you could make a lot of money, you could also lose everything. If you're just starting out with penny stocks, it's important to only use money that you can afford to lose. Once you've made a good profit, you can reinvest your profits from past trades, which will make your earnings grow like snowballs.
- What you know:
This is without a doubt the most important thing that will determine whether your new job as an investor in penny stocks will be a huge success or a miserable failure. If you are new to investing in any way, there are many books you can buy. Before you spend any money, you should read a few of these books.
Dan Holtzclaw wrote Penny Stocks: The Next American Gold Rush.
Paul Mladjenovic wrote Stock Investing for Dummies.
The Guide to Investing in Penny Stocks, by Donny Lowy.
All of these are good, and while they won't help you decide whether or not to buy a certain penny stock or when to sell, they will give you a good idea of how it all works and help you build a strong knowledge base.
- Make A Plan:
Make an investment plan before you invest any money and stick to it at all times. This will make you more disciplined and help you plan your time and money better. Less stress will happen if you keep things simple. Your plan should include the investments you want to make, why you want to make them, and how much you want to put into them. It should also include your exit point (the price at which you will sell your investment to make a profit) and how much time you want to spend on your investments each day (i.e. The time it takes to monitor and research them).
Now that you have the most important things in place, you are ready for the wild ride that is investing in penny stocks. But remember that the most important thing you can do to make your penny stocks work is to learn as much as you can right now.