Lavender essential oil is one thing that no crafter should be without when making their own cosmetics. Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) has antibacterial properties, is gentle on both dry and oily skin, and can help with muscle pain, insomnia, headaches, burns, bug bites, eczema, psoriasis, and acne. This makes it the most versatile essential oil. It is also one of the few essential oils that can be used as a middle or top note in perfume because of its fresh, floral smell and low price.
Here are some ideas for how to use lavender to make your own cosmetics:
Salves, ointments, and balms: When lavender is mixed with neem seed oil or comfrey root powder, it makes a salve that relieves itching from bug bites, bruises, burns, and even diaper rash. Cinnamon and clove can be added to make a muscle rub that will help relieve pain. Lavender can be used on its own as a gardener's salve for chapped hands or as a temple balm to help you fall asleep and relieve headaches.
For a hair rinse for normal to dry hair, mix lavender with apple cider vinegar and nettle herbs. You can also mix rosemary, peppermint, and lavender essential oils with jojoba and oat extract to make a very effective scalp oil treatment.
Bath and body care products: If you have acne or dry skin, add lavender to toners, face creams, and body lotions. A lovely bath salt recipe calls for lavender essential oil, dried lavender buds, dead sea salt, Epsom salt, and powdered milk. Make a sweet and sensual perfume oil for women by mixing jojoba with rose geranium, lavender, sandalwood, and vanilla.
Soaps: To make a deodorising and exfoliating soap bar, mix tea tree and lavender essential oils with an opaque melt-and-pour soap base and sprinkle pumice at the bottom of your soap mould.
A word of warning: because essential oils are so volatile, you should always do research on them and do a skin patch test before using them.