Tips on how to write letters to raise money. Includes sample donation request letter to customise.
Want to know how to write a better letter to raise money? Try out these quick ideas.
to craft your next donation request letter. You are welcome to change the sample.
letter below to make it fit your needs.
-Good news! Always start the letter with a list of good things.
-Use bullet points to keep the letter moving and make the whole thing interesting and informative.
- Tease your reader with foreshadowing to keep him or her reading.
- Put a "widow" at the end of the first page, which is a finished thought.
(Two pages)
- Get people to turn the page
-Tell me what you'd like to do next.
- Tell me what you'll do.
- Why you are doing it.
- What are you going to do?
- What you want to happen.
List the suggested amounts for donations
- Use odd numbers in stepped amounts
- Give customers the option of having their credit card charged automatically every month.
- Leave a space for writing in amounts.
-Remind people that what they give you is your budget. -Tell them that your successes have been possible because of what they have given you in the past.
- Say thank you!
Use P.S.'s for skimmers
- May get skimmers interested enough to read the whole letter.
- To give a feeling of urgency.
Sample Donation Request Letter
Dear Donor's Name,
On (date of event), I'll join hundreds of other people to help end the terrible effects of multiple sclerosis by (riding/walking/skating) in the MS (event name). By making a pledge on my behalf, you will help fund research into this unpredictable disease and local services for people who have it.
Tell your story and give details: I have something at stake in this situation. MS affects my (dad, aunt, and sister). I want to help not only him/her but also all the other people with MS. MS is a disease that affects the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. MS can cause people to lose their balance, have trouble seeing and hearing, feel tired, and have weak muscles.
paralysis. Even simple skills for living become harder and harder to do.
These symptoms affect everyone in a different way.
My goal for this year is to raise at least (name a dollar amount), which is equal to $1 for every person with MS who is a member of our local MS Chapter. Please make a pledge to help me reach that goal. You can get a tax break for what you give. You can send all or part of your payment today in the self-addressed, postage-paid envelope that came with this letter.
If not, I will get your donation after the event. Please write a check.
paid to the National MS Society. The last day I can send in my pledges is (deadline date). After the MS (name of event), I'll send a short summary to all my sponsors.
Thank you ahead of time for your help. If you have any questions or thoughts about the MS, please call me (event name). You can reach me at (phone number).
Who you are