A thrifty shopper has skills and ways of thinking that help him or her take advantage of opportunities to save money. This list has eleven of these methods. You can learn them in a day or two, use them for a few weeks, and then save money for the rest of your life.
A thrifty shopper looks at what other people buy. Do you know someone who always gets the best deal on cars, boats, or anything else? Find out how he does it. Some people will say the cheapest cup of coffee in town costs $3, while others will say it costs only 50 cents. People in your area probably have a good life on half of what you make. Learn how other people do things so you can decide what to do.
Being frugal means knowing what's important. If you don't know what a good deal is, it's hard to get one on a car. Start learning about prices, especially before you want to buy something expensive.
People who shop cheaply pay cash. When you pay for things with cash instead of credit, they cost less. Want that new outdoor furniture? The amount you need to save each week is equal to the price divided by the number of weeks you can wait to get it. When you pay cash, you not only save on interest, but you often get a better price.
A smart shopper always looks for other options. Maybe that discounted trip to the Bahamas would be just as much fun as going to Jamaica. If you like pizza as much or more than they do, don't go to a pricey restaurant. Instead, call Domino's.
Shoppers who try to save money tell people what they need. Just say something about it. Do you know how many people get things for free or at a discount just by talking? My neighbour wanted to change up her living room, so she was happy when I told her I would take her 3-month-old couch for $30. I'm glad I told you I needed one.
Figure it out. If it costs you $500 more in gas every year, you didn't really save $400 on that car. Also, keep in mind that some stores take advantage of shoppers' beliefs that bigger is cheaper. Yes, a gallon of pickles could cost more than the price of four quart jars. If you want to save money when you shop, be ready to do the math.