More and more perks are being offered by credit card companies to get people to sign up for new cards. One of the perks that Discover Card and other credit cards offer is that purchases and balance transfers have no interest for a year. Take advantage of this offer and use the card to get a loan with no interest for a year.
Do you have to pay interest?
Many people are paying too much interest on their credit card debt or other loans. I say it's not necessary because there's an easy way to avoid paying any interest at all.
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Transfer the Balance! What is a balance transfer, then? When you move your credit card balance from one card to another with a better interest rate, this is called a "balance transfer." When transferring a balance, a 0% interest rate is a better interest rate.
How long does it keep going?
Well, it depends on which credit card you get. I've seen 0% interest rates last for no more than a year. Here's another secret, though. If you still need a loan with no interest after a year, all you have to do is transfer the balance to another credit card. You can get a new credit card in 10 minutes, and you'll never have to pay interest again!