Trying to get money from a traditional bank can take a long time and require a lot of paperwork, only to find out that you were turned down. These government agencies don't have to follow the same rules as banks, which we just talked about. You work out how much money you need, and as long as it's a reasonable amount and meets government requirements, you don't have to pay it back. There are some grants from the government that can help businesses grow (but not to establish a new business). When a government agency has grant money available, it puts a notice in the Federal Register, which comes out every weekday. Most of the time, these grants are for very specific things. Also, many government grants are only given out at certain times of the year. That is, you can't apply for most of them whenever you want. Instead, you can only apply for them when a government agency says you can.
This money doesn't have to be paid back, and there are no fees or interest charges.
None of these plans require collateral, co-signers, credit checks, or security deposits. You can apply even if you have bad credit or have filed for bankruptcy, because as a U.S. citizen and tax payer, you are entitled to these funds.
Anyone who wants to start their own business or grow an existing one should go to the world's largest "one-stop-money-hub," which is where the Federal Government keeps FREE MONEY for you to start or grow a business.
People who live in the United States of America don't seem to know that every year the world's largest source of free business help comes to them.
There are still no direct small business grants that can be borrowed from the federal government. However, many state development agencies offer direct small business grants and other types of financial help to encourage and help businessmen start or grow a small business.
Over $29 trillion in grants and loans with low or no interest;
getting contracts worth more than a third of a billion dollars; and
About $32 billion in research grants come with FREE advice.
With an unpredictable market and the need for even more economic growth in all areas, the federal government is more eager than ever to give you the money you need to start your own business and become your own boss.
Even though people think they shouldn't trust the government to help them, the government has kept giving away so much money that if each of the 9 million businesses that need help applied for an equal share, each would get over $69,000.
People from all walks of life do, however, get free grants and other help from the government, and you are entitled to it.
Most people never try to get FREE government GRANTS because they think it's not for them, they don't know who to talk to, or they think there's too much red tape, but the money is for you.