If you haven't already, now is the time to look for new credit card offers. Credit card companies are competing to get the most customers, and as a result, customers are getting a lot of great perks. Cash back reward cards are one of the most popular types of cards on the market today. The way it works depends on the bank, but the result is always the same: you get cash back on every purchase.
Here are the four best cash back cards...
If you haven't already, now is the time to look for new credit card offers. Credit card companies are competing to get the most customers, and as a result, customers are getting a lot of great perks. Cash back reward cards are one of the most popular types of cards on the market today. The way it works depends on the bank, but the result is always the same: you get cash back on every purchase.
Check out the benefits of the top four cash-back reward cards listed below and choose the one that's best for you. I chose these offers because of how big the rewards are and how low the interest rates are.
Chase Cash Plus Visa Card Rewards
This is one of my favourite cards because Chase doesn't make customers deal with a long list of rules. In order to get rewards with some cards, you have to follow very specific rules. If you have a Cash Plus Rewards Visa, all you have to do to get cash back is use the card.
You get 5% cash back every time you use the card at a grocery store, gas station, or pharmacy. If you use it to buy other things, you'll get 1% cash back. Then, when you have enough money in your account, you can ask Chase Bank for a check or a gift certificate for stores like Best Buy, Macy's, and Home Depot.
The Cash Plus Rewards Visa card has no annual fee, and new customers get a 0% introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers for up to a year.
Cash Back Reward MasterCard from HSBC
I would recommend this card to anyone who likes to feel safe and get rewards that are fair and competitive. With the HSBC Cash Back MasterCard, you get 1% cash back on everything you buy, no matter how much you spend. For the first twelve months, they offer an introductory APR of 0%. There is no annual fee, and if your card is stolen or used without your permission, you won't have to pay anything.
On some purchases, the Chase card gave you 5% cash back, which is not the case with the HSBC card. But this card comes with protection for all purchases, longer warranties, and insurance in case of an accident while travelling.
Credit Card Citi Dividend Platinum Select
This card is for people who want cash back but plan to pay the card off every month. Customers get 5 percent cash back on purchases made at grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations. For all other purchases, they get 1 percent cash back. Citi has a 0% APR for the first year on balance transfers, but the regular APR is higher than the other cards being compared here. Even though the cash back rewards are nice, this is not a good card to carry a balance on.
Citi has the best security features, like a Photocard option and a block for fraud alerts that come early. They also offer Lost Wallet Protection, which means that if your card is lost or stolen, they will replace it within 24 hours.
American Express's Blue Cash
Anyone who wants to share the benefits with a family member should get this card. Blue Cash gives you up to 5% cash back on all purchases, but you get the most cash back at drug stores, grocery stores, gas stations, and home improvement stores. If you have more than one Blue Cash card, you get the same cash back rewards. This means that if your spouse, parent, or child has a copy of the card, you also get cash back on their purchases.
Blue Cash has an introductory APR of 0% for the first six months, and after that, the regular APR is low. There is no annual fee, and you don't have to spend a certain amount before you can start getting cash back. You might also want to look into the Smart Chip service with ID Keeper from American Express. This web tool lets you save your username and password so you don't have to type them in every time you log on.
Cash-back reward cards are a great way to get started in the world of credit cards. Try some of these out and see what they can do for you. If you're already going to buy things, you might as well get something extra out of it.