A cash personal loan, also called a payday loan, is the fastest way to get cash. Your application can be approved in just a few minutes, and the money can be in your checking account the next morning. You can also check rates while you're online to make sure you're paying the lowest fees.
Simple and quick to use
Online forms are quick and easy to fill out. You just type in your name, address, phone number, source of income, and checking account information. Most lenders won't even ask you to fax in copies of your previous pay stubs or a photo ID. With their databases, payday loan companies can look up your information online and get back to you almost right away. And there are no checks on your credit.
You can still apply at a store, but it will take longer. You will have to bring in the necessary paperwork and wait while the information is copied and checked. You must also work around business hours, which is never a problem with online personal loans.
Fast Money
Online payday loan companies can help you get cash quickly. Once your application is accepted, the money goes straight into your checking account. Banks need a few hours to process this, but the money is usually available the next day.
You don't have to deal with paper checks like you would at a store lender. You also don't have to go to the bank, deposit the check, and then wait for it to clear. When you get a cash advance from an online lender, you can use the money as soon as the money is put into your account.
Quickly Compare Rates
Not only is it quick to fill out the application and get a cash advance, but shopping is also quick. Most payday lenders' websites list their fees and APR. You can find out about a dozen offers in just a few minutes. If you can't find any information about fees, feel free to email or call the lender. Most people will answer you right away.
You can't get such fast service from a cash advance company with a storefront. Technology speeds up the process, so you can handle financial emergencies more quickly.