Digital camera sales seem to be going through the roof. This shouldn't be a surprise, since digital cameras are getting better and cheaper all the time. Also, more and more people are getting used to the idea of digital photography.
There are so many different kinds of digital cameras on the market that it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. When choosing a digital camera, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Digital camera types.
Whether you want to use film or digital, there are three main types of cameras. There are "point-and-shoot" cameras, "Prosumer" cameras, and "professional" cameras.
- Prosumer Cameras. These cameras are a step up from point-and-shoot cameras. They can be used in fully automatic mode or with specific exposure modes that give the user some control over the exposure. There might be a portrait mode, an action mode, and a close up mode, for example.
- Point-and-shoot cameras do everything for you. They take care of everything. The camera decides how much light to let in and whether or not to use a flash. The only thing the photographer has to do is point and shoot.
- Cameras for professionals. The photographer can look right through the lens of these cameras. This means that you get exactly what you see. You also have full control over the exposure with these cameras. There is a fully automatic mode, as well as modes for specific exposures and a fully manual mode.
No matter what kind of camera you decide to buy, you will also have to choose the camera's resolution.
If you've been to one of those big electronics stores, you might have been told that the number of pixels is the most important thing to think about when buying a digital camera. Even though pixels are important, there are a lot of other things to think about when choosing a digital camera. Pixels are small squares, or other shapes in newer models, that make up an image. Obviously, the sharper an image is, the more pixels it has. The image is more detailed the more pixels it has.
Almost all digital cameras on the market today can make pictures with at least 4 million pixels. You can print photos up to 8x10 that look great with this resolution. Since most people don't print pictures this big, a camera with 4 million pixels or more should meet all of your needs.
Try out a few cameras before you buy one.
Even if two cameras have the same number of pixels, they can have very different image quality. This is because the images are stored on different types and sizes of sensors, and the lenses are all different. It is suggested that you buy a memory card and bring it with you to the store. Then you can use your memory card to try out different cameras by taking pictures with them. You can then take the pictures home and look at them on your computer or, better yet, have them printed at a local lab to compare the results. Make sure to write down which picture was taken on which camera so that you don't forget.
Digital cameras are always getting better and changing. It seems like every few months, a new model comes out with more pixels, better features, and a lower price. Do not worry about this. Choose a good digital camera that takes good pictures, and you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of digital photography for years to come.
And one more thing to remember. A new problem has come up because of digital photography. People no longer print out their photos. They save them to their computer, but then they lose them or delete them. Make copies of those special photos. Your kids will be grateful.