Check Into Cash is a good option for people who sometimes need money between paychecks. One of them is that we don't check your credit before giving you a cash loan. We made our service to meet a need that many people have from time to time. For example, an emergency might require a prescription drug that isn't covered by insurance or a sports uniform for one of the kids. Most of us try to stick to a budget, but let's be honest: life is expensive.
Service that is quick
Checking your credit takes time, which you might not have right now. It makes sense that full-service lenders who lend larger amounts would want to look at your credit history, but payday loans are a different story. We give you enough money so you can get by until you get paid again. Instead of going through a long and complicated loan process, we ask that you give us a post-dated check that covers the cash advance loans and a fair and reasonable fee for this convenience.
We don't check your credit when we give you a cash loan. Instead, we just need proof that you are who you say you are and that you work regularly. You'll be good to go as long as you have a picture ID, a pay stub, and a bank statement from the last month. We all have busy lives, so we've simplified the way we do things to save you time and trouble.
Responsibility with money
Due to a small number of dishonest payday lenders, the industry often gets bad press. Yes, some people who take out short-term cash loans end up with too much debt. That's because they borrow more than they can afford to pay back, and fees and interest add up. We don't take unfair advantage of our customers at Check Into Cash. We have limits on how much we can lend and how many times we can roll over loans, and we always follow state laws.
Check Into Cash believes that people should take care of their own money, but they also know that anyone can make a mistake. We follow the rules of the Community Financial Services Association of America because of this (CFSA). This group works to make sure that financial institutions and the public treat each other fairly and with respect. If a borrower can't pay back a cash loan with no credit check, we offer an extended payment plan at no extra cost.
Fill out the application online or call 1-877-262-CASH right now for more information and any help you might need to get fast cash to help you through a tough time.