We hear more about payday loan services now because people need short-term loans more than ever. People often have trouble making their money go as far as they need it to between paychecks. Services like Check Into Cash are also called "cash advances" and "paycheck loans." We'd rather think of ourselves as helping people who need a small amount of cash quickly.
The best of the best
We started in the beautiful southern town of Cleveland, Tennessee, in 1993, and we're still growing. Even though our corporate headquarters are in Cleveland, we now have stores in over 1,250 places where we serve people. With our high-tech skills, we can also lend money to millions of people over the Internet. Check Into Cash is the best cash advance company in our industry because of how professional we are, how well we train our employees, how friendly they are, and how long we've been in business. We know everything about this business.
We fill a special need that other, more traditional lenders don't or can't. When you need several hundred dollars right away for something important, you don't have time for a long application, approval, and credit check process. Most of the time, Check Into Cash gets the money to you or into your bank account by the next business day.
Action that is responsible
Because of this, we always stress how important it is to use short-term credit wisely. We made this service to help people in emergencies in the short term. This means that if someone has a problem with their car or home that needs to be fixed right away and they don't have the money, they can get a to cover the cost. Most of the time, our clients agree that they will pay us back when they get their next paycheck. For each transaction, we charge a set rate based on the amount of the loan.
Check Into Cash customers sometimes need more than the usual 2 weeks to pay back their loan. We follow state and federal rules to the letter, but even in the most lenient states, each person is only allowed four rollovers or extensions. We think that if someone can't meet that deadline, they might have trouble managing their money. When this happens, we send them to credit counseling to help them figure out better ways to handle their money.
So, fill out an online application or call 1-877-262-CASH to talk to one of our great customer service reps.