Good financial sense seems like a simple idea, but it can be hard to put into practise. Most people sometimes run out of money between paychecks and need to borrow money. Check Into Cash gives out these loans at rates that are fair and reasonable. We also tell all of our customers to try to get into better habits, like saving money for bad times. If you often need short-term loans or payday loans, you should talk to a professional with good references about credit counselling.
Only in case of emergency, says the sign.
We've all heard stories about people who got into trouble because of check cash advance loans. Since he or she couldn't pay back the first loan, he or she kept rolling it over and paying huge amounts of interest until he or she owed a lot more than the original amount. That's not how we do things.
In the interest of being responsible with money, Check Into Cash caps the number of payday advances a customer can get in a year. Even if your state lets you do more than four rollovers per year, we let you do four. If the rules in your state are stricter, we have to follow them. We also charge a flat rate based on the amount of the check cash advance loan instead of making the interest go up with each transaction after the first. We're happy to lend you money in a pinch, but we don't want to make it easy for you to keep borrowing.
We are proud to follow the Community Financial Services Association of America's (CFSA) Industry Best Practices. In fact, we help set them up in our industry. You can find out more about what the group does by going to We have their seal and that of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) on our website, and we also have proof of membership posted in our stores. We want people who need our services to know that we are honest and take care of our business.
"Check Into Cash" (b)
Check Into Cash (CIC) wants you to know that we are here to help you get through a tough time. When you come to us for a check cash advance loan, we also want you to feel safe. We're here to help you, and like any business, we want to make money. We don't use customers as a way to do this, though. We are sure that we help enough people that we don't need to rip off a few to make money. In other words, sometimes you need us just as much as we need you.
Fill out the application online or call 1-877-262-CASH right now for more information and any help you might need to get fast cash to help you through a tough time.