So you're in a bit of trouble and want to look online for cash advance loans. This might not be the best idea, since many companies that offer cash advance loans don't tell the whole truth about how they work.
First of all, the fees that come with online cash advances can be really high. For one thing, the interest rates on these kinds of loans are very high. Either you'll pay a certain percentage of the total amount you want to borrow, or you'll have to pay anywhere from $10 to $50 per $100 you need. If you need to make your cash advance loan last longer, you will have to pay more fees each time.
Most people who take out payday loans end up in a sort of snowball effect. When a loan comes due and the borrower doesn't have the money to pay it back on time, they usually have to extend the loan and pay more interest. If you don't have the money when the withdrawal is made, you may also have to pay fees to your bank for a check that didn't clear.
You might want to try one of these other options instead of getting a cash advance loan. You could ask your boss for an advance on your pay, or you could borrow the money from a friend or family member. You might want to check with your debit card company to see if there's a way to get a little more time to pay your bills, and also to see what the late fees would be.
When you need to pay some bills, you have a lot of great options. Online cash advance loan applications should be the last thing you think about.