If you need cash before your next payday for unexpected expenses or repairs, you might find that a paycheck advance service fits your needs for quick cash without the need for extra paperwork and collateral. There are a number of payday loan companies in Canada, both in person and online, that serve this market.
If you've had trouble getting a personal loan in the past because of bad credit, you might think you don't have any other options when you need money fast. But this isn't the case with payday advance arrangements. These places give you money based on your job and don't check your credit. To qualify, all you need is proof of employment and your most recent pay stub.
Many people have used these services in the past because they are quick, easy, and offer something that most banks and credit unions don't. They make it easy to get small loans quickly and without the hassle that comes with most banks and credit unions.
Here are some things to think about when looking for a lender for this kind of loan. First, the interest rates on these loans are usually higher than those on most other types of loans. Because of this, you must pay them back on time and in full. Any delay usually means that you will have to pay a lot more in interest, which could quickly make the loan cost more than it was worth.
Second, look around for the loan as much as you can. Your best tool here is the Internet, where you can search for lenders and also fill out applications. In some situations, you can do the whole thing online and get the money in your bank account within 24 to 48 hours.
As with any kind of loan, make sure to read the application and disclosure carefully. When it comes to money, you should never trust what someone tells you over the phone; instead, insist that everything be put in writing to protect yourself.